Thursday, April 12, 2012
My Pregnancy Diary: 22 Weeks
Monday, April 9, 2012
My Pregnancy Diary: 21 Weeks
I'm at 21 weeks and 4 days today. Our baby girl is the size of a Spaghetti Squash, or 8 inches, and about 1pound.
To give an update, my morning sickness is completely gone. But it was quickly replaced by acid reflux. I have also been experiencing some pain in my ligaments on my side and below my belly, the ligaments that hold the baby in place.
I had a doctors appointment last week, and it went really well. I've only gained 12 lbs, which is really great weight gain. I'm excited about that, pretty much everything I've gained is baby.
I'm also feeling the baby move pretty consistently now. Actually as we speak, I think she has the hiccups. it's pretty incredible to feel her move. The movements are still small, so it's hard to feel it from the outside, so Adam hasn't felt her yet.
Adam has been AWESOME. He is so supportive, always making sure I get enough rest and am comfortable.
We have started on the nursery. We were given a crib-actually the crib that I originally wanted, from a friend of ours, and it's already set up. I found some great fabric, and am going to make the bedding set to match our colors. And we get the mattress at the end of this week! I'm looking into getting a swivel chair, and dressers. We should have it all set up in time for the baby shower in June.