My month is really filling up for September. This weekend we were in Simi Valley, visiting with Adam's parents and brothers. We stopped by and had dinner with Pam's mother, who is very ill. It was good to see her and the rest of the family that was in town from Nevada and Texas. Adam and I always enjoy having hour long discussions with Steve (Adam's brother) about all sorts of topics. The topic this weekend was evolution.
This week is going to be pretty busy. I'm helping out with my mom's business, and I want to get everything up and running as soon as possible. They just moved offices too, we got them moved on Friday. The new office is so nice! Tons of room, but not too much.
Next weekend is Sarah's baby shower, and I can't wait! I want to make her a gift, hopefully I can get some time to actually do it!
The weekend after next is Cara's Birthday party and Laura's going away party all rolled into one. So that will be a big night.
Then to end the month is Emily's birthday. Hopefully we can get some deals somewhere nice for a mini vacation and have a celebration.
I'm also working on my hardcover and online cookbook. I really want it to be done before Christmas.
So thats the update from here. Hope everyone is doing well.
Talk later.
It was great to see you guys :) I hope your busy month is full of fun!