Monday, August 31, 2009

Bouchon Santa Barbara

I took Adam to Bouchon for his birthday dinner in Santa Barbara. Bouchon is one of our favorite restaurants. We usually go here for special occasions.

Although the overwhelming heat of that night made out dinner a bit uncomfortable, the food was delicious. Santa Barbara has been going on a complete heat wave and we totally felt it at dinner. Most buildings in Santa Barbara don't have air conditioning. It hasn't really been necessary in the past. But this past week or so, it has been unreal.

The dinner was so amazingly good. Adam had a Kobe steak, and I had chicken. We also had foie gras (duck liver). Foie gras is one of our favorite specialty dishes. For desert we had a blueberry upside down tart with lemon zest ice cream. It was very good.

Pictures from the Birthday Cooking Class!

Adam's Birthday was great!!! Here are some pictures from that night. Chef JP and Billi Jo even made chocolate moose for Adam!

My mom and step dad even came to celebrate with us!

It was great!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Adam's Birthday Cooking Class!!!

So this Friday is Adam's birthday.

For the Birthday celebrations, we are starting it with our cooking class, Cooking & Cocktails. This week it is an END OF SUMMER MEDITERRANEAN PARTY. I am so looking forward to it! I absolutely love these cooking classes. First of all, they aren't really cooking classes :) The amazing Chef Jean Paul LuVanVi cooks and gives you his tips on cooking specific dishes. I found out about these classes from his fiance, Billi Jo. Billi Jo and I went to high school together, here in Santa Barbara.

We have learned so many different types of food and dishes. Adam and I have tried to spread the word to our friends and family. We have really gotten Adam's coworker hooked :)

One of my favorite nights was when we did sushi. We had some of the most AMAZING food!

Its all about word of mouth with this cooking class. I totally recommend this class to everyone. Adam and I have officially made this our 'date night.' If you are interested, let me know :)

New diet, new workout schedule, new goals!

So my amazing personal trainer/friend: Elizabeth is putting me to the ultimate test. She has put me on a new diet and a new routine. I have given her my full commitment. I am working out in the mornings, and seeing her in the evenings for the total kick in the butt! She will be instructing me for the next 2 months.

I am extremely excited to start seeing the results. I am already feeling my muscles change. I will keep you all posted on my progress.

17 days till vacation!!!

Only 17 days until our wonderful vacation! I am really looking forward to having some very much deserved free time with no schedule!!!!

Adam and I will be leaving from Santa Barbara Airport around 6:30 AM, so that we will be in Friday Harbor for dinner with Grandma Katherine.

I couldn't be happier to have some time off!